

In the Splash Series, all the water is in man made structures: pools large and small. In the smaller spaces, the swimmer may need to twist and turn more to get a feeling of motion, and to create the joy and ebullience of slicing through the liquid world. There are also hints of the risks of staying under.  

Every summer I spend time in a house by the open sea, watching its different moods and colors. Water has always been a part of my work, but the light moves very differently across the clear water of pools. Every pool surface has unique reflections depending on the size, location, shape and color of the pool, as well as the weather.    The light is illuminating the movement while re-shaping the bodies. 

 Ihave photographed these swimmers over a period of years. I have always been attracted to the ways in which interfaces like water distort the subject, leaving us once again with the question of how truly we can see or know anything.